The Legend of Talaga Warna

The legend of Talaga Warna - The king of a famous kingdom in Cipanas, West Java, was a very wise man. He had a beautiful daughter. The king and the queen loved their daughter so much. But all their love was not enough for the princess. Eventhough they gave her everything, she was not happy. All the jewelries that they had were not enough for her. She was not satisfied with her gorgeous looked either.

The princess then had an idea. She planned to put all jewelries that they had in every single hair in her head. She wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the world. So, the princess when to see her mother and father and told them about her plan. She was very sure they would not say no. The king was surprised to hear about his daughter's plan. He tried to convince her that her plan was not proper. ''My daughter, the beauty of the princess is not measured by her clothes or by the jewelry she is wearing, but by her attitude. It's not that we don't love you, but what will people think if you go through with your plan?'' said the king. The princess was shocked to hear that. So, she ran to her room to get her jewelry box. Then she returned to her parents. She screamed: ''you are so miserly. Here, I am returning every single jewelry you ever gave me.'' She thrown her jewelry box to her father. The wise king was outraged seeing his daughter did. ''You are ungrateful daughter!'' Suddenly, the floor of the palace erupted and water poured out from the crack.

In a matter of second, the palace was flooded, drowned the ungrateful princess and her jewelry. The palace then replaced by a lake. The lake always reflects multiple colours to its surrounding. Some say the colours come from the princess' jewelry. The lake is known as Talaga Warna that means colorful lake.

source: English book
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